Our Beers

How do you feel? There's a Tooheys for that.

Two people toasting with a longneck and a can of Tooheys New

TOOHEYS Ultra Zero Carb*

Whether you’re enjoying one in the clubhouse or at Wednesday trivia, Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb* is the ultimate beer to enjoy with your teammates. Zero carbs*, fewer calories, and tastes as good as New.

*<0.5g carbohydrates per bottle serve

A can and bottle of Tooheys New

Tooheys New Lager

A legend since 1931, New changed the face of beer in Australia forever.


The clean crisp lager – refreshing, crisp and easy drinking.

A can and bottle of Tooheys Extra Dry
A bottle of Tooheys Old Dark Ale

Tooheys Old

The original from the Tooheys Brewery in 1869, Old stands the test of time.


The clean, crisp taste Extra Dry is known for, with a bit extra.

A frosty can of Tooheys Platinum

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Two people toasting with a longneck and a can of Tooheys New