Tastes Good As New

There’s even more reasons to feel like a Tooheys or two with the new Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb*. With fewer calories, zero carbs*, and the same great taste, it’s a beer the whole team will love.

A frosty bottle of Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb


When the team gets together, how do you feel? Watch our latest video to see why Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb* is the best way to cap off a great session with your teammates.

Tooheys Ultra Uncovered

How is Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb* Brewed?

Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb* is brewed for longer to eliminate carbs without sacrificing that classic, full-bodied New taste.

Is Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb* the lowest-carb beer?

Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb* is the first of its kind in the Tooheys lineup, offering zero carbs* with the same great taste you love.

Is Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb* sugar-free?

Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb* is 99% sugar-free, with only 0.3 grams of sugar in each 330ml bottle, making it a refreshing choice for all sorts of teams.

Does Zero Carb* beer taste any good?

Absolutely! With Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb*, you don’t have to choose between taste and carbs. It’s a crisp, refreshing lager that’s made for those moments when you just feel like a Tooheys or two.

*<0.5g carbohydrates per bottle serve

How do you feel about learning more?

Head over to our product page to discover the game-changing nutritional information about Tooheys Ultra Zero Carb* and learn why it’s the perfect team beer.

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Two people toasting with a longneck and a can of Tooheys New

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